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Life To Its Fullest
Diploma of Hospitality ManagementCertificate IV in Kitchen ManagementDiploma of Hospitality ManagementCertificate IV in Commercial CookeryGraduate Diploma of ManagementDiploma of BusinessAdvanced Diploma of Business
Welcome to Chambers School of Business
Why Choose Us? Chambers School of Business
As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) under the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), Chambers School of Business fully meets the requirements of the Australian VET Quality Framework.
The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is a quality assured national framework of qualifications in the school, vocational education and training (VET), and higher education sectors in Australia. All AQF courses offered by Chambers School of Business are nationally recognised.
AQF qualifications promote lifelong learning and allow you to start at the level that suits you and then build up your qualifications and move between different education systems as your needs and interests develop and change over time. AQF qualifications link with each other in a range of learning pathways between schools, VET providers and higher education institutions.
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Our Values
A positive approach to lifelong learning and an understanding that all students have the capacity to gain knowledge and skills and to enjoy learning.
A commitment to excellence in academic and social achievement by both staff and students.

High expectations for staff and student conduct, including honesty and trustworthiness in all activities.
Inclusive practices to meet the diverse needs of students and to achieve the best possible outcomes for all. A workplace and learning environment that is safe and free of discrimination, abuse or exploitation.